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Balanced Recovery with Intensive Outpatient Care in Orange County

Find Your Recovery with an Intensive Outpatient Program from Harmony Junction Recovery

Addictions damage our health, strain our relationships, and derail our lives. That’s why it’s so important to be proactive in overcoming them. However, balancing recovery with your obligations at work and to your family can be challenging.

That’s why Harmony Junction Recovery in Southern California offers its intensive outpatient program (IOP). IOPs can provide you with the support you need to move toward recovery without requiring you to sacrifice your life at home to get it.

Keep reading to learn more about intensive outpatient treatment programs and how Harmony Junction Recovery works to make them as effective as possible. Or, if you’re ready to start now, you can do so by calling us at (855) 906-4088.

What is an Intensive Outpatient Program?

Intensive outpatient programs provide patients with much of the higher level of care provided by inpatient treatment programs with less time commitment. The key difference is that IOPs allow their patients to live at home, while inpatient programs require their patients to live at a treatment center. This makes IOPs an excellent way to address your addiction without completely changing your daily life.

There are other outpatient programs, including the partial hospitalization program, the highest level of outpatient care, which you can read more about here.

Similarly, the National Institutes of Health recognizes the important role IOPs play in the continuum of care for recovering addicts. It’s as effective as inpatient treatment for the majority of individuals.

An intensive outpatient program can be used as a first-line treatment or in conjunction with a stay at Harmony Junction Recovery’s Southern California residential treatment programs. They’re often recommended to facilitate a smoother transition from inpatient care back into the world. In these scenarios, IOPs are used to support patients around relapse management and healthier coping strategies, among other areas.

When Should You Choose an Intensive Outpatient Program?

IOPs are ideal for patients who value their freedom above all else. Their fundamental value is in allowing you to receive the care you need without making you move into a treatment center. You may prefer an intensive outpatient program if you have important family and work obligations that can’t be disrupted. Or, maybe you’re just uncomfortable with living in a treatment facility. Either way, an IOP could be a promising treatment option for you.

That being said, intensive outpatient programs aren’t a good fit for every patient. Some individuals will decrease their chances of long-term recovery success by choosing one.

For example, you shouldn’t choose an IOP if you lack a safe and stable home environment. If you live with friends or family members who also abuse drugs or alcohol, you could increase your chances of relapse by selecting an IOP over an inpatient program.

Additionally, an intensive outpatient program may not be a good fit if you have a severe addiction. One of the major benefits of inpatient care is the opportunity it provides for supervised detox. This is an essential step in your recovery process and shouldn’t be overlooked for convenience.

If you think you need a supervised detox, don’t worry; an IOP could still be an option for you. You may just need to transition to one after completing your detox. Feel free to reach out to the treatment team at Harmony Junction Recovery to learn more about whether an IOP is a good option for you. We’re standing by to provide you with the guidance you need to make an informed decision about your recovery plan.

What to Expect in the Intensive Outpatient Program at Harmony Junction Recovery

At Harmony Junction Recovery, we pride ourselves on creating personalized care plans that fit the unique needs of every patient. We’d happily do this by setting you up with a tailor-made intensive outpatient program.

Most IOPs conform to a similar general framework. They typically spend about 10 hours a week in group and individual therapy. Individual therapy is an essential part of your recovery. It’s where you’ll address the root causes of your addiction and learn new strategies for dealing with them.

Group therapy is another crucial component of IOPs. It will help to build your communication skills and provide a chance to learn from other recovering addicts who have been where you are now. Similarly, group therapy is an opportunity to experience the love and support of people who know what you’re going through and won’t judge you.

We’ll also encourage you to participate in 12-step programs. These are another excellent source of support and inspiration. They also offer the chance to develop a support system you can rely on as you work towards your long-term recovery goals.

Depending on your needs, we may also offer you medication-assisted treatment. This is meant to help you manage your withdrawals as your body detoxes the substance you’ve abused from its systems. This is another treatment we can use to make your IOP more successful.

Ultimately, you should expect to spend several days a week (around 12-20 hours) at our facility each week. This may seem like a serious time commitment, but it’s also one that’s absolutely worth making. It’s also much less of a time commitment than an inpatient program.

What are the Goals of an Intensive Outpatient Program?

Our IOPs are designed to help patients work towards happier and healthier versions of themselves as efficiently as possible. We focus on several key objectives in this process, including:

  • Maintaining abstinence
  • Shifting away from addictive thinking and behaviors
  • Developing a strong recovery support system
  • Improving problem-solving and coping skills

The specific methods we use to achieve these goals will vary based on your unique needs. That being said, the average IOP lasts around 90 days. We’re confident we can help you make significant changes in your life in that short amount of time

Are IOPs Effective For Mental Health?

IOP programs treat substance use disorders, mental conditions, and dual diagnosis (co-occurring substance abuse and mental health conditions). The same techniques that are implemented for addiction, such as behavioral health therapy sessions, medication assistance, and other treatment services like meeting with a mental health professional, can be just as beneficial for mental illness treatment.

An IOP must be designed for co-occurring disorders due to how many people with a substance addiction also suffer from a mental health condition. According to SAMHSA’s 2021 National Survey on Drug Use and Health, approximately 9.2 million adults in the United States have a co-occurring disorder.

Contact Harmony Junction Recovery to Get Started with Your Own Intensive Outpatient Program

IOPs are a highly effective way to transition away from substance abuse. They offer extensive opportunities to receive professional care, build a recovery support system, and work towards your long-term recovery goals.

When you’re ready to start an intensive outpatient program, Harmony Junction Recovery has you covered. We provide personalized programs at our Southern California location that can meet your every need. Call us at (855) 906-4088 to learn more.