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Comprehensive Meth Detox in Orange County

Meth Detox Made Easier By Harmony Junction Recovery

The first step to breaking your addiction is meth detox. It can be done independently, but it’s easier with the help of medical professionals.

Harmony Junction Recovery in Southern California can provide you with the support you need with our medically supervised methamphetamine detox. Give us a call at (855) 906-4088 to get started. You can also keep reading to learn more about meth detox and how we’ll make it easier for you.

Risk Factors of Meth Use

Methamphetamine is a highly addictive stimulant that affects a user’s central nervous system and the amount of dopamine levels released. It’s often used in a “binge and crash” cycle, in which an individual will smoke, snort, or inject the drug every few hours for days on end.

Meth is a dangerous drug and one that can negatively affect your health in many different ways. It’s so addictive that it puts the user at high risk for substance abuse, erratic behavior, and overdose.

Consider the following stats:

What is Detox?

Detox refers to the process of getting a drug like meth out of your body. It’s the first and most challenging phase of the recovery process. Often, patients choose to start their detox at a meth addiction treatment center. Doing so offers them the opportunity to receive constant supervision, support, and guidance from trained addiction specialists.

What to Expect During Meth Detox

Meth Withdrawal Symptoms

Meth affects how your brain and body function. When you quit it, your body needs time to return to normalcy. Recovering addicts feel this process happening in the form of withdrawal symptoms.

There are many different methamphetamine withdrawal symptoms you may encounter while going through detox. This is a list that includes:

  • Cravings
  • Fatigue
  • Sleepiness
  • Depression and anxiety
  • Hallucinations and delusions
  • Excessive sweating
  • Suicidal thoughts
  • Nausea
  • Paranoia
  • Tremors
  • Fever
  • Increased appetite

The specific meth detox symptoms that you encounter will vary based on factors like your general health, frequency of use, and dosage. However, you can reduce symptoms of meth withdrawal by exercising, keeping busy, avoiding triggers, and eating a healthy diet.

Floral Element

Meth Detox Timeline

Although the meth detox process varies from individual to individual, there is a general pattern that all detoxes follow. Here’s what you should expect, including symptoms of the meth withdrawal timeline.

48 Hours After Last Dose – Crash Phase

Recovering addicts experience a crash about 48 hours after their last use of meth. This involves a sudden and sharp decline in both energy and cognitive function. You may also find yourself feeling nauseous, sweating a lot, and having abdominal cramps.

3-10 Days After Last Dose – Peak Symptoms

This is when your withdrawal symptoms will be at their worst. Your body and brain will be deep in the process of adjusting to life without meth. This phase involves severe depression, anxiety, extreme fatigue, and intense cravings, among other symptoms.

14-20 Days After Last Dose – Declining Symptoms

The meth detox process typically lasts between 2-3 weeks in total. Most of your physical symptoms will have declined substantially by the end of your second week in detox. However, you may still experience lingering mental health and psychological symptoms such as anxiety and depression.

1 Month+ After Last Dose – Return to Normalcy

By the time you’ve spent a month in detox, your body and brain will be close to operating at their normal capacities. The worst of your withdrawal symptoms will be finished. However, you may still experience periodic bouts of depression and anxiety for a few additional months.

Medically-Assisted Meth Detox vs. Quitting Cold Turkey

Recovering addicts have an important decision to make when starting meth detox. They need to choose between starting recovery on their own or pursuing a medically-assisted meth detox.

By every metric, medically-assisted meth detox is a more effective way to start your treatment. It allows you to receive consistent guidance, support, and supervision from physicians trained in treating addiction. They can work to minimize your withdrawal symptoms and make the entire detox process easier to go through.

Quitting meth on your own is incredibly difficult. Some of the symptoms of the withdrawal process can also be dangerous to experience alone. It’s why you should rely on Harmony Junction Recovery to help you make it through the most challenging part of your recovery from meth.

Medications used in Meth Withdrawal


Suboxone proves highly beneficial for individuals undergoing meth detox. It operates by alleviating the symptoms of methamphetamine withdrawal and diminishing drug cravings, thereby facilitating a more manageable detoxification experience.


Naltrexone inhibits the release of opioid receptors in the brain, preventing the release of euphoria-inducing chemicals associated with methamphetamine use. Diminishing these rewarding sensations may reduce the risk of relapse.

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The Meth Detox Process at Harmony Junction Recovery

We offer comprehensive recovery plans that start before your detox process even begins. When you contact us for help, we’ll start by providing you with a personalized evaluation from a trained addiction specialist. This will involve assessing your risks and creating a plan with your success in mind.

Meth Detox is Easier with Harmony Junction Recovery

Quitting meth is one of the best decisions you can make for your short and long-term health. You owe it to yourself to take advantage of the very best detox treatment facilities and support available. That’s exactly what you’ll get from Harmony Junction Recovery in Southern California.

We provide comprehensive and personalized meth detox plans that are built to address your unique needs. Our team of physicians and trained addiction specialists are standing by to answer your questions and get you started on the road to recovery. Get in touch with us today by calling (855) 906-4088. We hope to hear from you soon.